To apply for a berthing license online, please complete the following form and submit.
Your Name (required)
Your Email (required)
Boat name
Home port
Annual6 MonthsMonthlyDaily
Date from to
Standing order payments will attract a surcharge of 7.5% on annual License Contracts.
I the above named applicant request B J Marinas ltd trading as Greystones Harbour Marina to grant me a berthing licence at Greystones Harbour Marina. I agree to be bound by the Company’s Marina terms and conditions which are clearly displayed in the Marina premises and available on request, and I understand that the Company reserves the right to take into account the suitability of my boat for a particular berth before issuing any such berth licence and the Company’s decision in the matter is Final. I confirm that the above mentioned Vessel has at least a minimum of 3rd party cover of €2.5million and will remain insured throughout the period of the contract applied for.
Insurance Co. Policy No.
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